
「Microbot Origami」|単一細胞をつかんで輸送することができる超小型ロボットを開発|米ノースカロライナ州立大学・デューク大学

参考画像:NC State: Microbot and Micro-Origami|YouTubeスクリーンショット

■「Microbot Origami」|単一細胞をつかんで輸送することができる超小型ロボットを開発|米ノースカロライナ州立大学・デューク大学

Microbot Origami Can Capture, Transport Single Cells

(2017/8/4、NC STATE University)

Researchers at North Carolina State University and Duke University have developed a way to assemble and pre-program tiny structures made from microscopic cubes – “microbot origami” – to change their shape when actuated by a magnetic field and then, using the magnetic energy from their environment, perform a variety of tasks – including capturing and transporting single cells.

米ノースカロライナ州立大学とデューク大学の研究者は、微小なポリマー性のキューブから作られたマイクロボット「Microbot Origami」が磁場を作動させたときに形状を変えるよう、あらかじめプログラムする方法を開発しました。

この「Microbot Origami」は、単一細胞の捕獲および輸送を含む様々なタスクを実行します。

NC State: Microbot and Micro-Origami



“Previously reported microrobotic structures have been limited to performing simple tasks such as pushing and penetrating objects due to their rigid bodies. The ability to remotely control the dynamic reconfiguration of our microbot creates a new ‘toolbox’ for manipulating microscale objects and interacting with its microenvironment,” said Koohee Han, a Ph.D. candidate at NC State and first author of the paper.




