
活動休止を発表したレディーガガ(Lady Gaga)さんの病気は「線維筋痛症(fibromyalgia)」|線維筋痛症の症状・原因

Lady GaGa - Monster Ball - Nashville, TN

by Philip Nelson(画像:Creative Commons)

■活動休止を発表したレディーガガ(Lady Gaga)さんの病気は「線維筋痛症(fibromyalgia)」

レディーガガ(Lady Gaga)さんは全身に痛みを引き起こす可能性がある病気「線維筋痛症(fibromyalgia)」のため休養することを発表しています。


I was so overwhelmed by the empathy, confessions & personal stories of chronic pain in response to my previous post I thought what the hell. Maybe I should just share some of my personal remedies I've acquired over the past five years. Everyone's body and condition is different U should consult w ure Dr. but what the heck here we go! When my body goes into a spasm one thing I find really helps is infrared sauna. I've invested in one. They come in a large box form as well as a low coffin-like form and even some like electric blankets! You can also look around your community for a infrared sauna parlor or homeopathic center that has one. I combine this treatment with marley silver emergency blankets (seen in the photo) that trap in the heat and are very cheap, reusable and effective for detox as well as weight loss! In order to not overheat my system and cause more inflammation i follow this with either a VERY cold bath, ice bath (if u can stand it, it's worth it) or the most environmentally savvy way is to keep many reusable cold packs in the freezer ( or frozen peas' n carrots'!) and pack them around the body in all areas of pain. Hope this helps some of you, it helps me to keep doing my passion, job and the things I love even on days when I feel like I can't get out of bed. Love you and thank you for all your positive messages.

A post shared by xoxo, Gaga (@ladygaga) on



線維筋痛症は、原因不明の前身の疼痛(wide-spread pain)を主症状し、不眠、うつ病などの精神神経症状、過敏性腸症候群、逆流性食道炎、過活動膀胱などの自律神経系の症状を随伴症状とする病気である。近年、ドライアイ・ドライマウス・逆流性食道炎などの粘膜系の障害が高頻度に合併することがわかってきている。






全身に痛みが広がる病気というニュースを聞いて、以前、Lady Gaga、難病「全身性エリテマトーデス」の検査を受ける(2010/5/24)によれば、自己免疫疾患の一種である全身性エリテマトーデスの検査を受けていたことを思い出します。

