Google and other tech companies have come up with glasses and contact lenses for the purposes of AR, but Omega Ophthalmics is taking a much more invasive approach by using surgically implanted lenses to create a space for augmented reality inside the eye.
Cataract surgery is the most common procedure performed by the ophthalmic surgeon. This year, 3.6 million cataract procedures will be performed in the United States and more than 20 million will be performed worldwide, according to estimates.
Co-founder and board-certified ophthalmologist Gary Wortz saw an opportunity here to offer not just a lens but a platform to which other manufacturers could add different interactive sensors, drug delivery devices and the inclusion of AR/VR integration.
また、非ステロイド性消炎鎮痛剤(NSAIDs:NonSteroidal Anti Inflammatory Drugs)は、アスピリン、イブプロフェン、ロキソプロフェンなど、シクロオキシゲナーゼを阻害しプロスタグランジン産生を抑制することで、解熱鎮痛作用を発揮し、短時間で効果を発揮しますが、消化管粘膜障害、血液凝固阻害、陣痛発来遅延などの副作用が知られているそうで、その副作用の一つとして、角膜上皮びらんや重症例では角膜穿孔を生ずることが問題となっているそうです。