MIT Media Labの研究者であるManisha Mohanさんが開発したのは、女性のブラ(下着)などの衣服に貼り付けることで防犯アラームの役割を持ち、女性に対する性犯罪・性的暴行を防ぐステッカー「Intrepid(「勇敢な」という意味)」です。
ステッカーには、ブラを外すときの動作と連絡先(5件まで)をインプットすることができ、強引に下着が外されるような動きを感知すると、スマホに「Do you concent?(同意しますか?合意の上ですか?)」というメッセージが届き、30秒以内に返信がないと、警報が鳴り、また、連絡先のスマホに位置情報が送られ、
Researchers at North Carolina State University and Duke University have developed a way to assemble and pre-program tiny structures made from microscopic cubes – “microbot origami” – to change their shape when actuated by a magnetic field and then, using the magnetic energy from their environment, perform a variety of tasks – including capturing and transporting single cells.
“Previously reported microrobotic structures have been limited to performing simple tasks such as pushing and penetrating objects due to their rigid bodies. The ability to remotely control the dynamic reconfiguration of our microbot creates a new ‘toolbox’ for manipulating microscale objects and interacting with its microenvironment,” said Koohee Han, a Ph.D. candidate at NC State and first author of the paper.
This “near-zero-power” temperature sensor could extend the battery life of wearable or implantable devices that monitor body temperature, smart home monitoring systems, Internet of Things devices and environmental monitoring systems.
The pants have five sensors sewn in to help the wearer improve form for 30 different yoga poses. Once in a pose, the sensors vibrate in specific ways to tell you how to adjust your hips, knees or ankles. For downward dog, for instance, the pulses guide a person to ground the ankle and lift the knee.
“Yoga pants get stretched, get sweated in….the sensors had to be invisible, and the pants had to not be a tech-looking product. That’s kind of an engineer’s nightmare.”
経済産業省の「新産業構造ビジョン」によれば、個人が自らの生涯の健康・医療データを経年的に把握するため、また、最適な健康管理・医療を提供するための基盤として、健康・医療・介護のリアルデータプラットフォーム(PHR:Personal Health Record)を構築し、2020年度には本格稼働させていくことが必要と提案されています。
First, health records can be stored securely in a ledger on which all participants (health professionals, patients, insurers) can rely.Doctors, surgeons, pharmacists and other medical professionals all have instant access to an agreed set of data about a patient.
Its Patient Portal gives citizens access to medical documents, referral responses, prescriptions, and insurance information.Individuals can also use the Portal to declare their intentions regarding blood transfusions and organ donation.